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  • 【奢侈大牌包包厂家分类】
  • 【潮牌奢侈服饰鞋子厂家分类】
  • 【名表厂家分类】



发布时间:2020-11-24 16:17:26  来源:网络整理   浏览:   【】【】【


China has been doing a phenomenal job in recent years to crack down on counterfeit goods so that consumers across the country can rest assured when they splurge on designer items knowing they are in fact purchasing the real deal.



我们工厂位于广州白云区解放路 九年专业工艺厂家直接供货 数据共享 去除中间商环节 让你感受轻松愉快的合作共赢 因为我们专营包包 BV.  L*V,Prada,香奈儿,圣罗兰,迪&奥,bv等各大奢侈品牌包包,你能说出名字的我们这都有。
产品可供:网红直播,抖音短视频营销,淘宝开店 实体店铺微博,QQ,微信/微商等渠道,无论是白领一族还是在校学生,在家带孩子的妈妈等兼职销售都是合适的,因为我们支持一件代发免去压积资金成本 。
优势1:提供实拍高清细节组图视频 产品描述。
优势3:工厂直供价格实惠 支持十天退换货。
优势4:免费帮检查包包再寄出【支持无理由7天退换货 】专业+高质量+实拍清晰图片+合理价位+信任的售后=稳健的代理。


In recent years, Guangdong has been playing an active role in hunting down counterfeiters and confiscating illegally produced fake goods at borders. A number of years back, Guangdong authorities destroyed a total of 46,012 fake brand-name goods intended for export to Africa in one day alone.


Despite efforts from authorities and e-commerce platforms to fight against the trade and selling of counterfeit items, occasionally fakes do fall through the cracks. With more and more people turning to the internet to buy fashion accessories, how can you be sure the discount designer item you are shelling out your hard-earned cash for is in fact legitimate? Today we will give you a few handy hints so that you can figure out whether or not your high-end handbag is a real or fake!


Louis Vuitton


Nothing screams “look at me, I’m rich!” like a Louis Vuitton branded item. But for most, an L*V bag is out of reach due to sky-high prices. Here’s how you know if you L*V is legit:


1. Examine the stitches. Real Louis Vuitton bags and purses have a high SPI (stitch per inch) count. If the stitches on your Louis are far apart, We’re sorry, but it is most likely a fake!

1. 檢查針。真正的路易&威登手袋和錢包都有一個高的SPI(每英寸針數)。如果你的L*V的縫線相隔很遠,那很抱歉,它很可能是的!

2. Look for upside-down L*Vs on the back. Most L*V bags use one continuous, seamless piece of leather that raps around the bag, so on many authentic bags the pattern is upside down on the reverse side.

2. 在後面找倒過來的L*V標志。大多數L*V包包都使用一種連續的、無縫的皮革,可以在隨意翻動,所以在許多真品上,圖案是顛倒過來的。

3. Check for a date code. The majority of bags produced after the early 1980s have a production code stamped on them. The Code usually includes two letters and four numbers representing where it was produced and on what date. Without this code, its probably not authentic.

3. 檢查日期代碼。從上世紀80年代早期開始,生産的大多數産品上都印有生産代碼。代碼通常包括兩個字母和四個數字,這表示它在哪裏和什麽時候生産。沒有這個代碼,它可能就是的。


(Above: An authentic L*V date code) 

4. Check the clasps or other hardware. Real Louis Vuitton bags use brass or gold metal, but fakes use plastic with a layer of gold paint. It pays to pay attention to the finer details!

4. 檢查扣子或其他硬件。真正的路易&威登手袋使用黃銅或其他金屬,但赝品用的只是一層金色塗料。這些細節是值得關注的!



Another favourite among celebrities and the wealthy is Gu&cci. Often more on-trend than other design houses, the double G is also highly counterfeited. Take note of the following points to verify the authenticity of your Gu&cci: 


1. Look for sloppy stitching. Like L*V, Gu&cci plays close attention to detail, so their stitching is always clean and neat. If the thread comes undone easily or is uneven on a bag, sorry, but you’ve been duped!

1. 尋找粗糙的縫合處。和L*V一樣,Gu&cci也非常注重細節,所以他們的拼接總是幹淨利落。如果縫合處的線很容易松開或者不均勻,很抱歉,你被騙了!

2. Examine the back of the label. A serial code should be stamped on the back of the label and the letters should be small and close together. If they are widespread apart, then it is likely a fake!

2. 檢查標簽的背面。在他的標簽背面上的一個序列號,字母應該是小而緊密的。如果它們被分得很開,那麽它很可能是的!

(Above: Counterfeit Gu&cci label)

3. Look for glue lines. If you can see glue spilling out from anywhere, then this Gu&cci is in fact a “Fucci.”

3. 尋找膠線。如果你能看到膠水從任何地方溢出,那麽這是gucci實際上可能是一個“Fucci”。

4. Check for rust. The metal that is used on Gu&cci bags does not rust. Inspect your item closely to make sure there is no rust in areas where the metal meets leather or canvas.

4. 檢查生鏽。在Gu&cci包上使用的金屬不會生鏽。仔細檢查你的包包,確保金屬與皮革和帆布的接觸區域沒有生鏽。



If you are looking for quality, but want to be slightly more low-key, then Bur&berrys is a great option. However, the classic Bur&berrys pattern is also popular among the fakers, so here’s what to look out for:


1. Check where the item was made. Just because your Bur&berrys has a “Made in China” label doesn’t mean it is not authentic. In fact, many of Bur&berrys’s legitimate items are made in China. If the label lists anywhere other than Italy, China, the U.S.A or Romania, it could be a fake.

1. 檢查産地。“中國制造”的英國牌子博柏利並不意味著它不是真的。事實上,巴寶莉的許多産品都是在中國制造的。如果標簽上除了意大利、中國、美國或羅馬尼亞以外的其他地方,那就可能是的。

2. Check the label. On Bur&berrys labels, the left side of the “U” and the “Y” are slightly wider.

2. 檢查標簽。在巴寶莉的標簽上,“U”和“Y”的左邊稍微寬一些。

3. Check the hardware. Zips and hardware should be made of solid metal and not plastic. Some pieces may be engraved, and if so, should be clean with a high-quality finish.

3. 檢查硬件。拉鏈和其它硬件應該是用堅固的金屬而不是塑料制成的。有些硬件可以雕刻,如果是的雕刻瓶,那看起來應該是幹淨利落的。

4. Check for accompanying materials. New Bur&berrys bags should come with a cream dust bag and a booklet featuring the Bur&berrys logo. Check that the logo is centered and that the booklet does not contain any spelling mistakes. 

4. 檢查相關材料。新的巴寶莉手袋應該有一個奶油色沙袋和一個印有巴寶莉標志的小冊子。檢查標識是否居中,手冊中有沒有任何拼寫錯誤。

(Above: The materials that should accompany your Bur&berrys purchase)

So, now you know what to look out for when buying that special something for yourself, or a loved one. Remember, a good way to make sure you are buying official authentic items is to buy them from official stores. If you are in Guangzhou, head over to Taikoo Hui in Tianhe District for official Chinese and International designer boutiques. Happy shopping!


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