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    2019-05-18 05:45:28发布, 次浏览 收藏 置顶 举报
  • 【唯尚颜臻颜多效祛痘膏和唯尚颜祛斑霜祛斑问题】
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还有会遇到唯尚颜代理问唯尚颜合伙人雪儿(VX:JXY1067634541),我们的唯尚颜臻颜多效祛痘膏可以祛斑吗? 答案是也是可以的。 斑分两种:定性斑和活性斑。如果你脸上的斑属于定性斑,如:遗传斑、雀斑、老年斑、色素痣,珍珠膏只能起到淡化、遮盖、防止加深的作用不能完全去掉如果属于活性斑,如:黄褐斑、日晒斑、妊娠斑、黑斑是可以去掉的。因为珍珠粉本身就有很好的美白功效,很多客户没有痘痘也用珍珠膏美白,效果都是挺不错的。



There will encounter weishang Yan Yan agent weishang partner (VX:JXY1067634541), Cher our weishang Yan Zhen Yan effect of acne cream can freckle? The answer is it. There are two kinds of spots: qualitative spots an-d active spots. If you spot the face belongs to a qualitative spot, such as genetic spots, freckles, age spots, nevus, pearl cream can only play a cover, to prevent dilution, deepening effect can not completely removed if belongs to active spots, such as: chloasma, sunburn, pregnancy spots, dark spots can be removed. Because pearl powder itself has a good whitening effect, many customers do not have acne also use pearl cream whitening, the effect is quite good.

At the same time, weishang Yan brand an-d specifically for freckle products, called Yan weishang Almighty freckle cream. Then, weishang Yan Zhen Yan freckle cream multi effect how? How good is the effect of freckle? The answer is yes. If you want to freckle, suggest you directly choose this weishang Yan freckle cream! The effect of freckle is more than half the effort! Choose weishang Yan acne cream or cream, look for the weishang partner Yan snow home (VX:JXY1067634541), she will give you analyze your acne or spots, to give you a lot of professional knowledge, let you easily please acne an-d trouble spots!


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